(( Bluehost )) The best web hosting platform
Bluehost hosting is really really fast so if you go to their hosting feature section of their website . they you know talk about how they have dual quad processors and for those of you that aren't you know internet marketing nerds or website geeks . all that means is that they're hosting is really fast and as you know people on the internet . you know they're really impatient they don't have time to wait for your site to load . so if you have a slow loading site it just makes your promotion of your site a lot harder , and also for search engine optimization purposes . To sign up with Bluehost just >> click here . Google prefer sites that load faster , and that's one of the reasons that I've found that my blue host sites tend to do a bit better than my sites that used to be hosted on other hosts . so you know they also have a lot of other features to like limited domains unlimited size , and they throw in a free domain on whe...