(( Bluehost )) The best web hosting platform

     Bluehost hosting is really really fast so if you go to their hosting feature section of their website . they you know talk about how they have dual quad processors and for those of you that aren't you know internet marketing nerds or website geeks .

all that means is that they're hosting is really fast and as you know people on the internet . you know they're really impatient they don't have time to wait for your site to load . so if you have a slow loading site it just makes your promotion of your site a lot harder , and also for search engine optimization purposes .

To sign up with Bluehost just >> click here  .

    Google prefer sites that load faster , and that's one of the reasons that I've found that my blue host sites tend to do a bit better than my sites that used to be hosted on other hosts . so you know they also have a lot of other features to like limited domains unlimited size , and they throw in a free domain on when you buy a hosting plan with them .

You also get a hundred dollar free Google credit , so you know blue house is just you know they have a lot of the features that other hosts have plus some extras . They're faster and they're a bit cheaper , if you use the link you can get hosting for only four ninety-five a month which is very cheap .

So let's just take you behind the scenes for a second and see what Bluehost is all about you know . once you do buy a hosting plan with them so here you are and don't be overwhelmed I know there's a lot of icons and buttons here . but for most people starting a blog or even an e-commerce site you only need maybe three or four of these buttons , and I'm not going to go and see you know all of them .


How easy it is to do hosting plans ?

Certain things on the host and on other hosting plans they're quite a bit harder on other hosting providers . I mean so the first one is cloud fair and the cloud fair is called the CDN, and all that is cloud fair works with bluehost to host some of your site . on their servers and their servers are even faster than blue host .

So what that does is it makes your site load quite a bit faster cloud fair usually costs about thirty dollars a month . but if you have a Bluehost account it's free and this is a new feature of blue host , and something that I didn't really know anything about fair until Bluehost had it . but now that it's on all of my sites they load a lot faster and it also helps protect your site's against attacks and hacks which are surprisingly common .

So let's say you know you purchased a blue host plan , and here you are the first thing you want to do is once you have your domain registered with them , is set up an email account and that's super easy all you have to do . you know it's click on email accounts put in whatever email address you want and click OK . Now you have a live active email account it's not much different than signing up at gmail or yahoo .

But the difference is you have a much more professional email . because it's at you know your site .com or.net or whatever this other stuff like files and security pi won't need that type of these type of things , because I highly recommend you use this feature here which is the site builder feature that installs WordPress .  when I signed up for bluehost initially I use some of their website templates and you know they're nice enough and they look pretty good .

They don't give you the features of WordPress does and then they're not as user friendly . I mean WordPress is like the windows for the internet .  it's super simple to use and some other hosts you have to like download WordPress , and then upload it to your server and it's of complicated .

Sometimes you don't have to hire someone else to help you but Bluehost literally has one click WordPress installation . just click this button tell them the domain you want to install WordPress on and it does it with one click . it's like 30 seconds and you have a fully functioning site .
so anyway I hope this was helpful and you got to see some of the features of bluehost and what separates it from some other hosts and just to sum up basically Bluehost has all the features of other hosts plus some extra and it's cheaper and you do save some money .


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